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Nevermind the stooped over, doddering old man with E.D. - it's all just a cover.

Jerry The Hitman Williams is actually Totally Bad Ass and he will Fark you up! Oh yeah....


Jerry was also:

Picking on the fact that (unlike him and Larry Sides) I don't have around 100 blind mice and other Church based lemmings who will vote as they are told, even for a person they may not know well.

My Supporters are people who still actually think for themselves, which is exactly what every voter should be doing. Plus Jerry, 38 votes is more than you have received in some past elections, so don't get too uppity. Jerry ended his loud and public Rant by adding that he couldn't believe I sent those Campaign related post card of mine out to area voters, including one to his house. What I can't believe about those same post cards, is that I forgot to add the term Imbeciles to the list it showed for the 'type of people'

I feel are running Stanfield before I mailed them out!

Jerry also claimed there was no conspiracy to 'Vote as a Block' so that the Stanfield Syndicate 'Approved'  guys would be sure to get elected. Well, Jerry, I figure that maybe you didn't get a copy of that particular Memo, especially since the above incident is far from the first time your 'reportedly' damn near Senile Ass has shot your mouth off and it probably won't be the last.

Anyone with the ability to think for themselves - can see the low voter turnout versus the virtually identical high number of votes received by the winners and figure something is going on.

It's also fairly common knowledge in Stanfield now that these church based groups of what I'm calling 'Block Voters' do in fact load up, head to the Polls and vote for whatever 'Approved' candidates they have been directed to support. To deny that would be like saying Bears don't live in the woods.

For now Jerry, as I see it - You can have the Town Council, because several of us Stanfieldians have every reason to believe that you guys have pulled way too much crap over the years to continue to go unnoticed by The MAN.

I am going to switch my marketing efforts away from sending mail to the same pool of folks that you rely on Jerry, and will now instead constantly mail the much, much bigger group of Registered Voters that don't bother to vote as often as they should. However, this group of Registered yet less active Voters, once motivated, will in fact outnumber your gaggle of blind mice by a margin of Four to One!

I'm also going to continue to advertise (without $ limits, since the campaign is over) in the County Paper of record - The Stanly News & Press.

At the same time, I will continue to add additional surveillance equipment to my property, especially 

since some of you Shit Birds reportedly like to mess with the homes, cars & pets of your political enemies. I will also continue to keep in contact with some impressive people of high value, people that are in fact monitoring my situation closely....If you know what I mean Vern.

Jerry 'The Hitman' Williams - strikes again:

November 6th - Our Opinion Follows:

You know, Jerry, I've been hearing for some time now that you're a feeble minded guy with a big mouth and an even bigger Ego and are therefore unfit for Public Office in the Extreme. Yes, a doddering old man who makes a habit of saying and doing stupid things like shooting your mouth off in public about the desired Murder of a political opponent! The very person you were speaking this evil against was your fellow 2015 candidate for Town Council (Brian Webb, owner of StanfieldPress) who also happens to be a long term 20+ year resident and active taxpayer of Stanfield, N.C. with NO criminal record of Any Type. That's right Jerry, (at the Corner Store tonight) without knowing everyone who was present or exhibiting any caution whatsoever, you did in fact speak desirously and expectantly with an upraised and excited voice about the subject described above with another person, while standing in line with your bread.

You also seem to have a chip on your shoulder over my linking to an online source exposing the arrest record of Councilman James Griffin, which apparently was hush-hush and never intended or expected to get out. So, Jerry, explain to us how you justify (inside your own head) acting so immature with regularity, yet spending the rest your waking hours seemingly painting yourself as a Man of Honor and talking of your walk with Christ with anyone who will listen. That sounds like mental illness, Jerry.     

In truth, you are a nobody and you are completely irrelevant outside of the walls of Stanfield, but as a representative of Stanfield - you are still supposed to live and conduct yourself to a higher standard.

You are completely out of line for having this public conversation (which has been reported to the Police both in and out of Town) and you should be ashamed of yourself. You are not an asset or a good man Jerry Williams, you are actually as big of an embarrassment to Stanfield as Jason Smith and a few others that

I can think of. You are an old man, you should get right with God, at your age every day is a blessing and your health hasn't been that good, so you might want to try to do a better job of living right. 

Yes, Jerry, your buddy James Griffin has a Domestic Violence related arrest record and as you indicated, James might love hitting me over the head or even killing me, he's welcome to try, but I don't suggest it.

How all of that washed out and if his wife was or wasn't tricked by a (fixer) Attorney is not the issue;

I simply reported the story. Generally speaking, men who beat their wives and (maybe) even act out physically towards their young children are not the type of people who are going to come after grown men, because they prefer softer targets. Sure, with your approval and prompting he might, but I suggest that if that's the case, you should come with him that night Jerry, that way the both of you can Go to Hell together, once I have come back inside and sat down to a quiet meal.

You guys really need to ask yourselves 'why is it that this cat isn't afraid of any of us?'

I will pray for you Jerry, because you are obviously retarded!

You really should shut your cake hole, go back into your house, stay there and wait for God.

Hey Vern, guess what I heard....

Yes, Jerry actually said all this stuff in public

without even looking around to see who was listening!