Stanfield Press

News with Views

New - My November 2014 Opinion:

The Clown Touncil....err.....I mean The Town Council, strikes again!

The latest abortion can be traced back to Mayor 'Glitterbug' Barbee having it in for Tom (our former Head Utilities Guy) and the fact that Town Council members did nothing to stop him.

What am I talking about?

I'm talking about the fact that thanks to the guys working on the new Big Lick Road bridge - Stanfield now has one of its Sewer Valves buried under more concrete than Jimmy Hoffa!

While Tom worked for the Town of Stanfield, we paid big bucks (several times) to send Tom to school for additional training (over and above his excellent military training) and Kevin Barbee's personal grudge against Tom and Robert Harveys follow-up actions (targeting Tom for removal) cost this town a super guy, an honest guy, a very conscientious and highly qualified worker that ended up working for Locust instead.

I feel 100% safe saying that if Tom had still been on the job with Stanfield (a man who has forgotten more about pipes and drains since lunch than any of the two Chuckle-Heads mentioned above will ever know), Tom would have been spot checking these Bridge guys enough to have avoided the Town's sewer valve from being covered over.

Instead, we have to go hat in hand to Locust (Kevin's Mortal Enemies, because they actually know him) and ask for Tom to ride over and help/check things out. Proof that Tom is a good guy is that he did, when most folks would have laughed and just gone on to lunch.

You see, Kevin Barbee feels and has even stated so in front of multiple witnesses "that everyone is replaceable" that as expendable. Kevin Barbee must think he was some sort of dead rat eating Rambo in a past life, verses the sawed off little back stabbing twerp that he really is in real life (and many of us feel that way!) Yes, Kevin didn't like Tom and fixated on the fact that Tom would drive the Town truck home, while at the same time Robert Harvey was barely showing up to work and driving all over Hell and Half of Georgia (using Stanfield gas), WHILE the Stanfield Police were being told to drive less to save on gas!

Judas Priest, you just can't make this stuff up!

Did you know that with Tom gone, the Town of Stanfield doesn't have a Legally Qualified guy to sign off on stuff, in regards to the Towns Operation of a Sewer System, which I'm pretty damn sure is Illegal.

Instead, former Town Administrator Robert 'GoldBrick' Harvey (reportedly with Kevin's expressed knowledge) had a general status utilities employee signing off on official paperwork and other sewer related statements. Does anyone else around here think that these guys operate off the seat of their pants, have no idea how to run a town and just make stuff up as they go along?!?

All its going to take is one little girl accidentally flushing a Doll Head and this whole town will be up to here in Poodie-Poo with a bunch of idiots standing around pointing fingers at each other. We love ya Tom, and we (the good folks of Stanfield) apologize for the totally unfair way that you were treated and now we are paying for it. Anybody got a jackhammer?

As for Kevin 'Glitterbug' Barbee?...speaking of sewers...Calgon take him away!

Sept. 2014

Robert 'GoldBrick' Harvey  - is No More!!

My Opinion, is as follows:

Robert Harvey did not leave his Stanfield job over Health Reasons and it would be nice if the Official Town Council line was remotely accurate every now and then.

Robert Harvey is gone, because people like myself have been asking more and more questions lately, having noticed how he was milking his job situation and how he pretty much mistreated or talked down to everyone around him.

Robert Harvey is a Class A Jerk and that started to cause more and more issues for the Town Leadership....such as the creation of! Thanks to me in particular, he has had a rough last 3 years full of Lawyer Letters and my no love lost Editorial Articles about him, articles that got others to thinking along the same lines. It finally came to a head when the Mayor and Greg Lucas decided to push Harvey into part-time employee status - Hell, why not, Harvey was basically only working part-time anyway. That GoldBricking is something I have pointed out several times here at StanfieldPress.

Harvey came back in (all butt-hurt) the Monday following that Town Council meeting and basically resigned. Resigned, pushed out, axed, fired, thrown under the bus or allowed to state it as being for health reasons - who cares, the Bastard is gone.

Why it took so long for it to come to this is a mystery, but at least the day finally arrived.

Harvey was under full-time employee status for years, yet he routinely only showed up approx. 1.5 days a week and via his Thug like attitude had everyone below him in the food chain too scared to speak up or tattle on him. This was made worse by a Town Council that did little or no monitoring of him, with most being out of town at their day jobs and Harvey knew it.

Translation - Harvey basically had it made in the shade, money for nothing and chicks for free (as the song goes) and he let it go to his head.

When I first met this bag of pus:

I knew instantly that he was a Sleaze, born and raised behind Satan's left testicle and as crooked as a corkscrew. Yes, I am and always have been a good judge of character, while realizing my own faults. Anyway, I had been summoned to his office, as if I was a school boy, because he wanted to talk to me about what I already knew was a con job. Yes, a political favor for at least one Town Councilman with a grudge against me - you now know that magnum class scumbag as none other than Jason 'Slugfoot/Craphead' Smith.

As I looked at Robert Harvey for the first time, I remembered my Mom's words of warning to me as a child (Stranger=Danger.) I mean this guy looked like some kind of Chester the Molester and as soon as he started speaking, I knew he was pure Resident Evil. His bad breath, clammy looking skin, Daddy Warbucks blood shot liquor nose, Boss Hogg short sleeve shirt, cheap breath mints and menthol cigarettes (used to disguise the fact that he was a raging alcoholic, known to come in half drunk/hung over, at times), all just screamed Bad News Bears!

You all know what it's like when you sit down to speak to someone that you have already figured out is about to tell you a bunch of lies, so yes, I was on high alert and didn't miss a single puke inducing, grimey little detail.

Harvey was enjoying his petty power and his ability to do a political favor for his BOY Jason 'Slugfoot' Smith so much, that I was surprised that he didn't start masturbating right in front of me. Think of the scene in the Cafe from the movie When Harry Met Sally and you will know what I mean. Well Harvey, you lose and I warned you that very morning that I knew exactly what you were up to and you proceeded anyway. Your arrogance and the abuse of your position is why so many turned against you and nothing else. Now you are out of a job!

Here is a man who stood in front of a Stanfield Resident in Town Hall (who was there to lodge a complaint about Harvey) and Harvey pointed to the pictures of Jason Smith, Jerry Williams and Larry Sides and told the man that all 3 were 'in his back pocket' and that nothing would be done to him, so run along. Yes, that is just how sure Harvey was that he had it made in the shade, an untouchable and able to act at will. In an unrelated event, Robert Harvey basically assaulted another Stanfield Resident in order to regain possession of a Waiver related to his sewer tap requirement, an issue so outrageous that it made the County Paper, but Harvey still kept his job!

My main question remains - who is the blithering idiot that hired Robert Harvey as Stanfield's Administrator - even before the smoke had cleared over Harvey losing his similar position with Oakboro - involving 'reported' major questions about missing or misused town funds!!

Was it an asleep at the wheel Town Council or was it because he was seen as a 'proper tool' by Kevin 'GlitterBug' Barbee? The qualifications of being a 'proper tool' would be someone willing to do as they were told (legal or not), harass who they were sent to harass and generally play Bad Cop to Mayor Barbee's completely phoney Good Cop 'alter ego.'

Bearing the above in mind - Enter the subject of Jason 'Slugfoot' Smith's plans for a gay bar...excuse me, that was my 'satire based' suggestion....hahaha. What I meant to say was Jason's planned Morgan's Tavern Bar & Eatery abortion - of which Kevin Barbee wanted Harvey to 'Go Back in Time' and crush, an obviously illegal request and the beginning of the end for Ole Harvey, when he was unable to make his usual twists and turns to please Our Princess Pony, err..I mean Mayor Barbee.

Harvey thought that being Mayor Kevin 'GlitterBug' Barbee's Bad Cop and Errand Boy would secure him lifetime employment or for as long as Harvey saw fit, but Harvey made a deal with a guy (little boy in short pants) that he couldn't trust and now he is down the river and out of work. I admit I am enjoying this tremendously.

Now, since we no longer have to support this Deadbeat, will that extra $1.50 on our sewer bills (along with other add-on fees used to generate this guys salary) now be removed?

Don't hold your breath, as I am sure that Mayor Barbee will pull another Fire Tax Stunt by letting it remain and then using it on something else, or what Kevin refers to as 'Doin My Stuff.'

Will anyone left standing be looking into the reported 'Pay to Play' rumor that involved claims that Robert Harvey would suggest his palms be greased on all these No-Bid Work Contracts, in order for soliciting Contractors to get the job?

Will anyone running this Town be looking into the possibility that Harvey pulled an Oakboro on us, say maybe via a full audit of Town Finances using THE Numbers and not Numbers Harvey Generated?

Will anyone be looking into just how little Harvey did, work wise, or how much damage he did that we may not know of yet? What about the thousands of dollars in gas allowance money Harvey was supplied with over the years? How much was actually work related versus what was used up for his personal travel? Yes, that is hard to prove and that is exactly my point!

To all the above, I say - Probably Not. Why? Because in my opinion Harvey fit right in with these 'other guys' and we don't want a mess, do we?

How many people this Bully mistreated may never be known, but I bet he wished he hadn't of messed with me, because I don't go away, I don't give up and I don't like scumbags.

Bye, Bye Harvey!

When you get to Hell, say Hey to Ole Scratch for us, as you snuggle right back up to the sticky place you came from - You SumBitch.

Kevin 'GlitterBug' Barbee - On the Edge.

My Opinion, is as follows:

Damn, anyone considering themselves a True Believer or Friend of Kevin Barbee - should take note of his recent Political Purges. Note to Self - everyone is expendable to him.

* Jason 'Slugfoot' Smith, who sold his soul and his vote to GlitterBug for total amnesty and an apparent free hand to pillage, con and cheat.

* Former Police Chief James 'Special Favors' Schneider, the Mayor's Man in Blue.

The Mayor's COP who reportedly did all sorts of Fixes and Cover-ups, while otherwise turning a blind eye to everything else that was less than convenient for him to get involved with.

* Robert 'GoldBrick' Harvey, the Mayor's Bag Man, Bad Man and Fixer.

The Right Hand Man to the Throne, now thrown under the bus by his Master, as if only a sour and torn rag.

Who is Next?

Who knows, but if everyone in the world was dead and there was only Barbee and a laboratory clone of himself, he would be dorking the clone over for his own benefit and glory.

Funny thing about Political Purges though, the sometimes vindictive victims (which I consider all 3 of the victims to have shown themselves to be), have a tendency to gurgle back up to the surface to take revenge.

Jason? Slugfoot is a mean, self-serving and nasty little critter and I'm sure he will do all he can to Block Barbee's agenda from now on, while nibbling away behind the scenes, at the ropes that hold the Barbee Blimp in place = a Clear & Present Danger.

Harvey? I wonder how many calls to State Level folks he plans to make, once he has secured amnesty for himself. Everyone I have spoken to seems to think that A LOT of highly questionable and/or downright Illegal stuff has been going on behind the scenes (suggested Powell Bill abuse, for example) - during the Barbee Years = a Clear & Present Danger.

Former Chief Schneider? Barbee would have been better off killing him in a staged accident than throwing him under the bus. Jimmy probably has as much crapola on Barbee as ole Harvey does. IF Jimmy resigned, because he could not perform his duties any longer, due to the questionable rules of engagement required, then I salute Jimmy for doing so. However, that surge of conscience could make Jimmy = a Clear & Present Danger.

What will the fallout be from GlitterBug cutting the throats of his top 3 Gang Members?

Personally, I predict that as more and more comes out - Mayor Kevin 'GlitterBug' Barbee will never win another election in this town. Several of us think a lot of crap is about to hit the fan, all of which will come from his former Best Friends Forever.

Will Mayor 'GlitterBug' Barbee go down for the count?

Will GlitterBug become a victim of his own former Dynasty Members purge of HIM?

Will Mayor 'GlitterBug' Barbee find himself in the bathroom late one night washing his mouth out with a Revolver, in order to escape it all?

It will be interesting to see how this plays out and WE are ALL watching!

So much for your desired Rainbows & Unicorns reality, huh Bub?